Urgent blood donor appeal

Updated 7 March 2025

We need your help now more than ever to keep providing lifesaving blood to the NHS.

How you can help

Blood stocks are critically low and we urgently need more donations.

Please book an appointment, even if it's a few weeks away - your donation will be just as valuable then.

Book an appointment

Where to donate

Our city centre venues have the most capacity and often have available appointments. If you can, try booking in:

  • London
  • Bristol
  • Leeds
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester

You can find the best availability in your area by logging into your account.

If you can't find an appointment

Please don’t worry if there are no spaces immediately near you. Blood is needed 24/7, 365 days a year so we need people to keep booking and donating in coming days, weeks and months.

If you are O negative and can’t make it to a donor centre please give us a call on 0300 123 23 23 to help find the next best appointment for you.

New to blood donation?

We always need new donors to save lives all year round.

Sign up today to help now or in the future.

We'll let you know your blood type after your first donation.

Sign up to give blood