Brixton’s blood donors roll up their sleeves and save thousands of lives

28 March 2025

South London blood donors have saved more than 11,000 lives in the three months since Brixton’s new blood donor centre opened to the public, data from NHS Blood and Transplant reveals.

Between December 2024 and February 2025, 3,773 people donated at the Brixton centre, providing more than 3000 units of blood. Each unit can save up to three lives.

External photo of the Brixton blood donor centreMore than 1000 first time donors chose to give blood in Brixton, providing vital additional units of blood to the country's hospitals and emergency services, including air ambulances, fire fighters and paramedics.

Inspiring a new generation of young donors and increasing the number of Black heritage donors from Lambeth’s diverse population are key aims of the centre, and the Brixton community that helped design it.

Initial data suggest the centre is already making a significant impact by boosting the numbers of young and Black heritage donors giving blood.

Estimates suggest that over the period analysed, one in every ten donations to the Brixton centre (10%), was from a donor of Black heritage – more than three times the national average of 3%.

The positive trend continued when analysing the ethnic make-up of Brixton's first-time donors. Just under one-in-five (15%) of the new wave of donors were of Black heritage, three times the national average of 5%.

The need for more Black heritage donors has never been greater. Donors from Black African and Black Caribbean backgrounds are significantly more likely to have the specific 'Ro' blood type used to treat sickle cell – the UK's fastest growing genetic disorder that disproportionately affects the Black community.

Nationally, more than half of Black heritage blood donors (56%), have the 'Ro' blood type, compared with just 2.4 % of donors from other ethnicities, so recruiting more Black heritage donors is key to meeting the growing sickle cell need.

In its first three months, the Brixton centre outperformed the rest of the country by recruiting 7% of donors with the high demand ‘Ro’ blood type. Across England over the same period, the average percentage of 'Ro' donors recruited was 3%.

More than half (52%) of the donors attending the Brixton centre were under 35, compared with the national average of 23%. With the average age of donors across the country rising above 45 last year, the highest it has been in five years, recruiting more donors between the ages of 17 and 35 is vital to ensure long-term stock resilience.


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