Get involved with our first ever Plasma Donation Week

15 March 2023

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is holding its first ever Plasma Donation Week from 24-30 April.

Plasma donor after donatingPlasma is a lifesaving part of your blood, which can be made into a medicine to treat more than 50 rare immune diseases.

NHS Blood and Transplant has dedicated plasma donor centres in Birmingham, Reading and Twickenham.

Plasma donation only restarted in April 2021, after a gap of more than 20 years.

Donated plasma is made into a medicine called immunoglobulin, which strengthens or stabilises the immune system.

Demand is rising and we need more people to join our growing donorbase.

The full details of the week will be revealed closer to the date, but we’ll be celebrating how proud people feel to donate plasma.

Get involved

We’d love to hear from patients, journalists, individuals and organisations who want to support this new campaign.

To get involved, please contact us on