Help us to keep on saving and improving lives this winter
During these challenging times, we’d like to thank all our donors for their support. This winter could be the most challenging that many of us can remember. As well as the usual issues of winter weather, flu, bugs, and festive season preparations, we now also have to cope with COVID-19 and all its health and social implications.
At NHS Blood and Transplant, we’re asking you, our donors and would-be donors, to help us keep on saving and improving lives this winter.
Make a date
Please book an appointment to donate. Your donation can save and improve lives of up to three people.
COVID-19 restrictions are in place across the country but, wherever you live, travelling to donate blood is allowed as it is regarded as an essential activity.
We are making donating as safe and pleasant as possible for your next visit. On arrival, you will be asked to sanitise your hands and we will check your temperature. We will also ask you some additional questions to make sure that you are well. Social distancing, high hygiene standards, and wearing face masks mean that our donation sessions are very safe.
For our latest guidelines regarding session procedures, please refer to the blood donation and safety page.

Keep your appointment if you can
We know that COVID-19 restrictions can make it harder for you to attend our sessions Unfortunately, some donors are unable to attend their appointments and have to cancel at the last moment. This could get worse in the winter, when flu and severe weather hit.
Please keep your appointment if at all possible. We understand there may be unavoidable reasons why you can’t donate. Please do notify us as soon as you know that you can’t attend the session so we can find another donor to take your place.
Go to town
During the pandemic, fewer people are travelling into city centres to work and shop. That means our donor centres have more appointments available than usual, whilst our mobile sessions are quite full.
It is important that our donor centre appointments are full because they are essential to making sure that hospitals and patients have the right blood stocks, at the the right times.
If you live or work close to one of our donor centres, please make your appointment there if you can.
Please bear with us
Unfortunately, our staff sometimes get ill, bad weather can hit our venues, and social distancing at sessions means we can’t make room for as many donors as we would like.
You may find that we are not visiting your regular venue at the moment, but we ask that you bear with us. Please visit to find your closest alternative session. We are doing our best to keep our sessions running as usual, but there are occasions when we have to cancel appointments. Please do accept our apologies if your appointment gets cancelled at short notice. Cancellations are our last resort.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all our donors and we appreciate your patience and understanding in helping us to safely collect vital blood and component donations during this time.
Thank you for your support, we couldn’t save lives without you!